
Relic Race Overview

Crash Cove20.50181.68492.00 %C 2022-01-15
Mystery Caves1:10.05250.15475.13 %F 2021-04-15
Sewer Speedway26.92190.1007.23 %F 2020-04-20
Roo's Tubes30.64280.13857.31 %F 2020-04-20
Slide Coliseum50.01170.44465.96 %F 2021-07-03
Turbo Track15.83170.22234.88 %F 2022-01-22
Coco Park21.36151.00068.81 %F 2020-10-15
Tiger Temple31.71200.19031.26 %F 2022-12-17
Papu's Pyramid21.23130.57122.99 %F 2021-04-15
Dingo Canyon37.65170.11163.38 %F 2020-04-20
Polar Pass1:28.36130.28659.94 %F 2021-07-03
Tiny Arena2:08.02110.33367.45 %F 2021-07-01
Dragon Mines37.68120.46242.97 %F 2021-07-05
Blizzard Bluff33.53160.58833.56 %F 2021-07-03
Hot Air Skyway1:27.02100.18249.18 %F 2021-07-12
Cortex Castle52.1090.40033.74 %F 2021-07-12
N.Gin Labs48.88100.18224.81 %F 2020-04-20
Oxide Station1:55.31110.33366.77 %F 2020-04-20
Inferno IslandNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Jungle BoogieNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Tiny TempleNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Meteor GorgeNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Barin RuinsNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Deep Sea DrivingNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Out of TimeNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Clockwork WumpaNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Thunder StruckNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Assembly LaneNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Android AlleyNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Electron AvenueNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Hyper Spaceway1:02.21100.36419.12 %F 2022-12-20
Retro Stadium15.2980.22238.24 %F 2022-01-16
Twilight TourNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Prehistoric PlaygroundNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Spyro Circuit34.18101.27383.21 %E+ 2021-01-16
Nina's NightmareNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Koala CarnivalNone None 0 0 F None None None None None
Gingerbread Joyride40.33120.15433.32 %F 2020-05-31
Megamix Mania1:25.39100.18253.63 %F 2020-05-29
Drive-Thru Danger1:04.4670.25018.78 %F 2020-05-29

* Retro Track scores are used to calculate the total scores (as it is not available on every platform)

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