
Hello everyone! There have been several updates today, and I’d like to share these with you!

Changelog/Version history

The biggest change you might notice straight away is that from now on, CTRanking has a changelog and a version history! I’ve been digging though our Discord announcements to backtrack the version history to the best of my ability.

From now on, I will post detailed updates on this page directly. A short summary + Link will be posted in the Discord whenever an update is made. Big updates (v1.X.0) will be pinged with @everyone – smaller updates (v1.0.X) will simply be posted without a notification. Some teasers may still appear in #announcements.

This allows me to go more into detail and to offer some further explanations on how things work or how you can access and use them, or to post some images along the text. It also allows me to post a roadmap section with each update, which is very exciting!

You can check the entire update history by clicking on “Updates” in the top left corner. Alternatively, you can also use this link:

A menu item (Info -> Latest update), as well as a version info in the footer gave been added as well.

Default Submission Settings

You now have the option to change your default submission settings! If you’re frequently submitting with the same character, console or class, you can head to your Profile under Settings -> Submissions to change your default settings.

This feature will save you some time if you always play with the same setup, or if you plan to bulk submit times where you’ve used a specific setup.

Accessing the default submission settings


A thorough statistics page has been added to each profile! Search through different stats like submission summaries, character usage and your personal ranking scores for each mode!

Statistics for the rankings for other gamemodes have been added already. We plan on adding the actual rankings for these gamemodes soon (see Roadmap), but we’d like to bring something else first.

Statistics preview

On this page, you can find statistics on your page usage, on your overall performance, on the characters you use, the style you play and the console(s) you use.

Sadly, this page is currently not optimized for the mobile layout due to the huge amount of information it displays. It is still available on mobile devices though, and some adjustments may be made in the future. One idea might be a selector for a single column while in mobile layout. Stay tuned.

If you have good ideas for other statistics that could be added, or would like to give some feedback or suggest some changes, feel free to let us know in our Discord in the #suggestions channel!


And, as usual from now on, a quick glance ahead of what will be added next:

  • The next big update (1.8.0) will be player comparisons. It still is a highly requested feature, and I will do my best to work on this next!
    This feature will likely (as of now) be for Time Trial only. It will compare rankings, as well as every single track (Rank and score).
  • Somewhen after that, in a small update (probably 1.8.1), we will add rankings for the other game modes. The core is done, they only need to be adjusted.
  • The arrival time for the updated tier system is still unknown. We’ll hopefully be able to finish our internal “alpha” soon, and will start a “beta” with specific experts of the community to make sure that all tiers are properly set.

That being said, I’m not exactly sure yet when I will be able to push the next update, but I hope that it’ll be sooner rather than later!

Thank you for reading, and keep your eyes open for updates, haha!

CrashTeamRanking Developer

Don`t copy text!